Social Justice?

Hello! I have chosen to follow the ongoing battle with social justice throughout the world for my grade ten academic English class. I have to say that this topic is often overlooked, and for some of the public it is just coming to their attention now, maybe as they are reading this.
To be perfectly honest I do not know much about social justice, in fact, I know nothing aside from that I know it happens, but what about the issues behind the word social justice? Does that even mean anything to you? I guess that is the real issue with social justice, know one knows much about it. Do you?
I want this assignment to at least let people gain some insight on the topic. This has been an ongoing war for-I-don’t-know-how-long, although I am hoping I will be able to see the end of racial profiling, discrimination against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and gender stereo types in my life time. I will be using newspaper articles, website sources like and following the blog entries of an organization called “Give A Damn”. I am hoping my questions will be answered and your attention will be brought to what seems a never ending fight to end these battles of discrimination.

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