Media is teaching equality

     I love musicals theatre, so it should come to no surprise to you that one of my favourite shows is Glee. I love this show for SO many reasons; they have managed to encase witty banter, fantastic musicals numbers and have also introduced some pretty serious social analysis themes in the show that teenagers are facing today. The Madonna episode did not disappoint a true Gleek like me. I don’t want to say too much without spoiling it, but glee managed to touch on the issues of how guys are treating girls in today’s society, the following weeks Glee also demonstrated the discrimination gay students face, as well as teaching viewers about loving who they are and their own bodies.

     The fact that such a popular show is pushing these issues in the viewers face makes me happy to watch something that is making a statement in a world where these things actually happen. They have been pushing the limits no other tv show has done before. Think about, what other tv show deals with these issues. The only other show that has made a teenage boy as fruity and totally awesome as Kurt is the writers of Ugly Betty.

     On March 18th Betty’s nephew finally came “out of the closet” and even got his first kiss with his boy friend Austin. And believe it o not this episode made history, they were the first tv EVER to show two teenage boys kissing.
If we continue to publicize these issues it is going to give the cause more and more exposure which will in turn let the world take the finale step to human equality! 

Check out the preview for the Madonna episode of Glee. 

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