Coming out...

Throughout my research I have found ALOT of different coming out stories. But these two in particular really pulled on my heart strings. I think it was the age that these boys’s knew they were gay and the experiences they went through at such a young age.

One of the boys Jason came from a very catholic family and grew up learning that gays were “sinners and they were going to hell”, but when he came out to his mother she was very accepting of him and even says it was somewhat of a relief that she knew her son was gay.

                McKay’s experience was totally different; he really did not know what gay was. When he finally told his Dad, he was not so accepting. He told McKay that he was no longer aloud to talk to boys or go online any more. But when McKay came out to his mother she said “I am happy you know who you are at such a young age”. The contrast that both these boys experienced put both of them in very different situations that other guys as well as girls face when coming out to their family.

                When we hear these stories about adults and even kids coming out each story is different because everyone is in a different situation. When we educate ourselves on the issues, like depression, that most people faces while coming out to their family and friends, we can form better support groups and alliances all over the world to help make coming out safer and nothing to be afraid of.

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